Course Curriculum

A complete course In trigonometry
Trigonometry lecture 1 00:11:00
Trigonometry lecture 2 00:07:00
Trigonometry lecture 3 00:06:00
Trigonometry lecture 4 00:05:00
Trigonometry lecture 5 00:06:00
Trigonometry important question 00:03:00
LECTURE 1:Please click on above link for the first lecture on trigonometry . The first lecture tells you how to convert degrees to radians and radians to degrees. 00:09:00
LECTURE 2 : The signs of the trigonometric functions and the concept of ASTC 00:11:00
Basic Trigonometry 00:13:00
The derivation of Cos(x+y) formula 00:09:00
Formulae help us to convert a sum to a product in trigonometry 00:08:00
Converting Product to sum in trigonometry 00:08:00
please go over these very important 6 mark questions 00:12:00
The half angle concept in trigonometry(lecture 1 on half angles) 00:19:00
Lecture 2 on half angles 00:00:00
Complex numbers
Introduction to complex numbers . 00:16:00
Solving quadratic equations with complex roots 00:09:00
COMPLEX NUMBERS Lecture 3 00:10:00
Sure shot questions on complex numbers 00:15:00
Sure shot questions in COMPLEX NUMBERS. 00:12:00
How to convert complex number to polar form 00:00:00
Complex Numbers (extra practice for the exam ) 00:05:00
Notes on complex numbers 00:00:00
Principle of mathematical induction
Principle of mathematical induction (lecture 1) 00:16:00
Principle of mathematical induction (lecture 2) 00:19:00
Principle of mathematical induction (lecture 3) 00:07:00
Principle of mathematical induction (lecture 4) 00:07:00
Set theory
Set theory Lecture 1 00:06:00
Set theory Lecture 2 00:07:00
Set theory Lecture 3 00:14:00
Set theory Lecture 4( Venn diagrams) 00:12:00
Set theory Lecture 5 00:15:00
This lecture explains the whole concept of sets. 00:00:00
Relations and functions
Relations and functions Class 11 (lecture 1) 00:12:00
Relations and Functions Class 11(lecture2) 00:13:00
Relations and functions Class 11 (lecture 3) 00:00:00
Relations and functions Class 11 (lecture 4) 00:12:00
Linear inequalities
Linear inequalities lecture 1 00:40:00
Linear inequalities lecture 2 00:12:00
Linear inequalities lecture 3 00:09:00
Permutations and combinations
Lecture 1 the fundamental counting principle 00:14:00
Permutations Combinations lecture 2( 16 to 22) 00:05:00
Permutations when certain objects are alike (lecture 3) 00:15:00
Combinations means just a selection . Order does not matter . 00:15:00
using both the concepts of combination and permutation 00:17:00
Permutations and Combinations mixed review 00:12:00
Rank of the word father in permutation 00:04:00
Coordinate geometry
Coordinate geometry lecture 1 00:16:00
Coordinate geometry lecture 2(area) 00:05:00
Straight lines
Straight lines (points 1 to 4) 00:15:00
Straight lines (points 5 to 10) 00:11:00
Straight lines (problem solving) 00:16:00
Circles lecture 1 00:15:00
Circles lecture 2 00:15:00
Circles lecture 3 00:16:00
Sequences and Series
Lecture 1 sequences series 00:18:00
Lecture 2 sequences series 00:08:00
Sequences an Series (most important questions 1) 00:22:00
Sequences and Series (most important 2) 00:22:00
Probability lecture 1( class 11 concepts) 00:15:00
Probability lecture 2( class 11 concept) 00:12:00
Probability lecture 3 addition theorem(class 11 concept ) 00:11:00
Probability Lecture 4( at least 1 concept) 00:06:00
Probability lecture 5( De Morgan’s law) 00:11:00
Doubts in probability for class 11 ( two important questions ) 00:14:00
Notes for probability class 11 00:00:00
Mean deviation about the mean ex 15.1 00:14:00
Mean deviation about the median 00:16:00
Variance for first type data 00:12:00
Variance and standards deviation for second type data 00:09:00
Variance and standard deviation for third type data 00:12:00
How to take square root of a number 00:09:00
Logarithms (basics)
Unit 1 what is logarithm 00:15:00
Indices ,logarithm and anti logarithm 00:20:00
Unit 1 how to take log and anti log 00:00:00
Solutions to exercise questions from NCERT book
Chapter 1 and 2 Sets Relations and functions (NCERT book solutions) 00:00:00
Chapter 11 solutions to NCERT book 00:00:00
Solutions to chapter 13 limits and derivatives 00:00:00
Solutions to chapter 6 linear inequalities 00:00:00
Solutions to exercise questions chapter 15 statistics. 00:00:00
Extra practice material
Straight lines -the ultimate practice book 00:00:00
Extra practice material with answers (straight lines and permutations combinations ) 00:00:00
Complex Numbers (extra practice for the exam ) 00:05:00
3 D geometry solutions to ex 11.1 and ex 11.2 00:00:00
Review material for limits and derivatives and relations functions 00:00:00
Trigonometry notes 00:00:00
Parabola lecture 8 ( the girder problem ) 00:00:00
Parabola (lecture 1) 00:06:00
Parabola derivation of formula lecture 2 00:11:00
Parabola (the 4 types) lecture 3 00:12:00
Parabola lecture 4 00:14:00
Parabola application 1 the dish antenna (lecture 5 ) 00:07:00
Parabola application 2 (lecture 6) 00:09:00
Parabola lecture 7 the suspension bridge problem 00:11:00
Limits and derivatives
Limits and derivatives (lecture 1) 00:16:00
Lecture 2 limits 00:11:00
Left hand and right hand limits 00:06:00
Understanding derivatives lecture 1 00:00:00
Understanding derivatives lecture 2 00:05:00
Derivative using first principles 00:14:00
How to take the derivative 00:00:00
Why do we use derivatives in physics 00:15:00
Rules for derivatives 00:00:00
Three Dimensional Geometry
Lecture 1 class 11 (three dimensional geometry) 00:10:00
Lecture 2 class 11 (three dimensional geometry ) 00:21:00
Notes for 3 dimensional geometry 00:00:00